Here you will find a few examples of my early Bass Charts in my own style, so they won't be everyone's cup of tea!
They can be used for "reading" during a Gig, but they are mainly designed to learn a song in order to perform it from memory.
I now only prepare 5-string charts for my own use, but If you have a particular request for a song Chart (or multiple Charts) please contact me -
I will let you know if I can do that and the charge for sending you in PDF, either in the Original key or in an alternative key if needed.
These take time to transcribe and develop and so a contribution via would be much appreciated if you download charts
- this may go towards a Double Espresso or a nice glass of Malbec - your contributions will encourage me to do more!!! Thanks!!!
If you would prefer full detailed sheet music transcriptions, either for free, or with small charges,
there are a number of Bassists with excellent websites and great material on YouTube, check these out:
Tom Read Bass, Paul Wolfe, TheBassment, CocosBassment, Greg's Bass Shed,
Constantine's Bass, Aidan Hampson, BassLessons and GregsTranscripts.